lunes, 13 de noviembre de 2017

Christmas Traditions in Belize

Hello everyone! On today’s blog we are going to talk about a country which is located in Central America, bellow Mexico, which is considered an English speaking country, and as our favorite holiday of the year is about to come, we are going to focus specially on what is done for Christmas!

First of all we are going to start with a small introduction to the country. Probably most of you are shocked by the fact that in Central America there is a country in which Spanish is not the official language, and so am I, but let me tell you that even though English is the official language, only around the 62.9% of the population speaks this language! 1  

Now you might be wondering why English is the official language then. Well, even when the majority of the population can speak English, the reason behind everything is that this country was conquered by Great Britain, and finally got its independence recently in 1981. Can you imagine? Some of us, or at least our parents, were alive when that happened! But before its independence, everything was done in English: education, important documents, political issues and every important thing done in the country. Nowadays everything remains almost the same as in the past, but with the small difference that in present there are some schools which can offer you education in Spanish.

After clearing that up, let’s continue with our main topic. Belize is a multicultural country which has influence from Africa, Europe and America, so the traditions in this country are a mixture of everything. Something interesting is that in Belize, all the magic starts at the beginning of December with the Christmas Tree Lighting!

For the Christmassy season, in Belize there are some traditions that were more popular in past years than in present, since nowadays everything is more Americanized and if you travel to the country is like travelling to any other boring country in which traditions are similar to what we are used to. But we don’t want to hear repetitive boring traditions; we are going to talk about the small ones that are still alive thanks to the beautiful people who do not want to kill the fun in Belize during Christmas!

Christmas Bram
 The following traditions are still practiced, mostly by some villages, such as the Christmas Bram that is practiced since the 1700’s, which basically consists in singing and dancing to Brukdong music! It is similar to what is done in other parts of the world, but here instead of only going house by house (caroling), it is done in the streets with everyone celebrating together, sharing joy and cheering to the music. What is interesting is that the music during this event is played with traditional instruments, and even with buckets or bottles when needed, the idea is to share happiness with everyone, even visitors, to prepare for Christmas! Lovely event since it combines Christmas traditions with African music and dance, where fire plays an important role representing fertility.2

What do you think? I personally prefer the version of Belize; it is more joyful and fun! Belize City should get it back as in the old days, just as the village of Gales Point :’)

Maya Deer Dance
Another tradition is the Maya Deer Dance, which is performed by 24 dancers which are dressed up as several animals and people, that tell a story about the importance about caring properly the environment, and makes a good reflection about the Spanish colonization of America during the 1500’s.
It criticizes how Spanish people came to destroy the culture and traditions of natives, and also destroyed nature by polluting the flora and fauna of the place, hunting animals, starting with deers and going on with jaguars and other species, which were highly important for Mayas.

As you can see from the picture, colors are extremely important to add joy to the dance. The costumes used for this event are full of color and sparkly materials, making everything even more attractive! The scenario that costumes make, give the feeling of a real life event with the representation of old people, Spaniards, deers, jaguars, birds, and more, which dance to marimba music.

The preparation takes several days, and in a way we can say it takes years since everything starts since children are educated with the importance of Maya culture and traditions, which is duty of every parent in the specific community. This event especially takes place in Santa Cruz, which is a small community located in Belize.
Before the dance takes place, women of the community prepare copal to bless the costumes that are going to be used in future. It is a ritual in which people pray for the community. Also, to prepare for the event, people prepare tortillas, tamales and “arroz con leche”, to make a complete celebration!

This celebration is very important, since everything is handmade, every single thing is made by hand and with everyone helping each other, creating stronger relationships between the people of the village, and sometimes mixing cultures, such as when this dance combines with some musical instruments that are used for, the previously seen, Christmas Bram, creating a multicultural atmosphere.3
This is an important celebration, since it reinforces not only unity, but also rescues traditions that were practiced before the 1500’s, helping with the creation of a strong identity, as part of our existence.

Midnight Mass
The last tradition that we are going to see, is Midnight Mass, which is a celebration related with the Christian faith, practiced by most of the population in Belize. It is about dressing as fancy as possible, and going to church to sing the joy of the birth of Jesus Christ, which is basically the main purpose of Christmas.4 Midnight Mass, is very common in the West, but as religion is important in Belize, I thought it was important to include it.

So that’s all for today’s blog! Hopefully you enjoyed learning about these three traditions practiced in this English speaking country, called Belize, a very multicultural country. I tried to add the most representative and interesting ones so you can have a general idea of what is done for Christmas in Belize!  Hopefully you enjoyed learning about dances such as Christmas Bram and Maya Deer Dance, and also about Christian practices like Midnight Mass!
After all, all these practices join together to create what we call, our own identity. Stay curious and see you in the next post!

lunes, 8 de febrero de 2016



1)    C = Carbon is the 18% of our mass and we can find it in compounds. This element is very important for proteins, carbohydrates, fats and (more important) for our physiology.
With the cellular respiration our body produces energy from glucose (carbon, hydrogen and oxygen) to produce ADP The carbon is transformed to CO2
If we have a lot of CO2 in our blood doesn’t flow correctly because we have a lot of CO (this is important too, in a correct quantity), on the other hand, if we have poor quantities of CO2, our muscles are going to tense, we’ll be anxious and stressed. (Singer)

2)    H = We use most abundant element in the universe mainly in water, because water has 2 molecules of hydrogen and water constitutes a big percentage of our body to maintain us hydrated and to eliminate the waste and send cells where needed. It is also related with ATP and also it is believed to be responsible for the aging of our tissues! (Sherwood, 2013)

3)    O Oxygen most important for cell growth and energy constitutes the 65% of our weight. It is transported in blood through the cells and we obtain it when we breathe and it goes to our lungs and for our metabolism is essential, may be not for anaerobic bacteria but for us it is. (Oxygen Review)

4)    N = Nitrogen represents the 3.2% of our weight and we need it (amino acids) to produce protein for our tissues, DNA and RNA and heme for hemoglobin. We obtain it from the fish, eggs, milk, etc. but not directly like form soil or earth. We return nitrogen to the universe in form of urea J (Lee, 2015)

5)    P = This mineral that constitutes the 1% of our weight and 85% of our bones of our body to repair tissues and cells and it is responsible for the pH regulation.
We obtain it from the fish, eggs, nuts, cereals, milk, etc. Some 
diseases that affect absorption are diabetes and Crohn’s disease.
It is very important to produce energy for ATP, DNA and RNA to make proteins to the ribosome and also for haemoglobin. (Sue Roberts)

6)    S = The 0.04% weight of our body is represented by this element. It is important to synthesize proteins and amino acids, cell structures, collagen and keratin.
A good source of it could be eggs (particularly the yolks), beef, seafood, onions, garlic and nuts. (Anne2015)

7)    Fe = It transports oxygen through our body and is very important for hemoglobin (2/3) and to maintain our nails and hair healthy and obviously, if you don’t have enough iron you’re going to feel tired and you’re going to be pale, therefore, children need more iron than adults because they grow very quickly. (Watson) Liver, oysters, cereal and other grains are a good source of iron. (Everyday Health, 2014)

8)    Na = This 0.2% of our weight can be found in our blood, it controls its pressure and the function of our tissues (electrical impulses to contract and so), however, if we consume lots of sodium (hypernatremia) it will attract more water and we will have more blood volume than the needed one and that results in heart problems and other diseases. Our kidneys are responsible for the sodium regulation. We can consume it from water and table salt. (Cloe)

9)    K = Mineral that constitutes 0.4% of weight in our body is essential for electrolytes. Potassium like sodium regulates our body liquids like blood pressure (including the transportation of oxygen) and the energy required to make nerves and tissues impulses to move and do things.
Our potassium levels can be affected in a bad way by many factors including: stress, drinking too much alcohol, vomiting for long time, drinking too much coffee, having too much sodium in our system, 
long use of ACV or too much junk food.
Good sources of potassium can be oranges, bananas, potatoes, melon, milk and spinach. (Day)

10)         Ca = The 1.5% that constitutes our weight is calcium; it helps our nervous system and bones to stay good. We need vitamin D to absorb calcium properly J
If our body doesn’t have enough sources of calcium we produce a hormone called 
PTH, and calcium will be taken from our bones, this is a serious problem when we get older because as we get older and older we absorb less calcium than we used to causing osteoporosis.
Good sources of calcium are milk products. (University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Oublic Health)

11)         Cl = Chlorine represents the .02% of our body weight. It is in our blood and plays a big role on the osmotic pressure, helps to regulate the pH and provides acid for our digestion process.
Like sodium, we can obtain a good source of chlorine in common slat where 5 grams are enough. Sodium is basic and chloride is acid, both together make equilibrium. (SUBHRANITA)

12)         Mg = Our 0.1% of our weight regulates more or less 300 biochemical reactions and is very important in the production of ATP and RNA. It is the second most abundant element in our cells that helps to break fats and glucose.
We can find magnesium at many places like the sea, rocks and chlorophyll. (Acient And in our food mainly in nuts and seeds, fish, avocado, bananas, etc. (Strong, 2015)

13)         F = Fluorine is essential for mollusks and may be for humans too. It attacks some bacteria from teeth replacing the OH. The grams of fluorine will depend on your weight, for example, I have more or less 1.998 grams of fluorine. (Web Elements) Fruits and vegetables contain it such as some tooth paste for children.

14)         Zn = Zinc has biological importance for living things. In human bodies it stimulates around 100 enzymes. It’s very important for DNA, helps healing wounds, for our immune system to prevent illnesses, regulates the neuronal communication which means we can have a better memory, delays DMA, helps you to not lose your vision, quits acne, helps to treat ADHD, also helps with osteoporosis and to treat pneumonia.
Good sources of zinc are crab, pork, lamb, dark chocolate, peanuts, etc. (Medical News Today, 2015) It is also very common in solar creams to quit the white color, but in this case it is toxic for us and if it is less whiter it is more toxic.

15)         Br = According to the Vanderbilt University bromine is now the 28th element essential for human life and animals and plants in general. It is very important for collagen and tissues as a basic element. These new discover leads to the hypothesis of a new type of collagen according to several experiments and responds to how are bones formed. J
Sources of bromine are contained in food naturally, but generally if it is added to food it can be dangerous and carcinogen. (Friday, 2014)

16)         Cu = Can be find it mainly in the liver and brain. The increase of Zinc means a decrease of our main element. It is responsible for our skin color, to have healthy hair and also helps to transport electrons. With iron, these two are crucial for hemoglobin. (SUBHRANITA)
Good source of copper are seafood, nuts, seed, mushrooms, avocados, soy food, etc. (HealthAliciousNess)

17)         I = Iodine is required in small portions, it is essential to produce thyroid hormones which supports the correct function of organs, including the brain.
Pregnant woman and children need more iodine than normal adults to make the product grow especially for brain development.
Iodine may also work as antioxidant to remove radicals from the body. (Marie, 2015)
We can easily consume it in salt, the salt that we normally eat.

18)         Se = Selenium is toxic in higher amounts because it can cause cancer but in proper portions it is important for enzymes and it is an antioxidant very important for thyroid hormone too. It is needed for the immune system. It helps our heart in many ways; it is a cardiovascular helper and reduces the stress and inflammation. (US National Library of Medicine)
Most common in Brazil nuts, sea food, whole grains, seeds, pork and more. (HealthAliciousNess)

19)         Ni = All vertebrates have it, nickel is essential for biosynthesis of hydrogenise, helps to not have anaemia, incorporates calcium to the bones, affects the energy of glucose and so, it is basic for our metabolism and in humans is important for knowledge. Today it is used as an additive for food so it is linked to obesity. (US National Library of Medicine)
Found in foods like cocoa, chase nuts, beans, spinach and more. (Shifko, 2014)

20)         = Essential for humans to grow their bones and high amounts of it can be dangerous. It lowers the levels of sugar and bad fats or cholesterol. Children shouldn’t take too much vanadium and in fact we don’t know how much vanadium we have to consume to be okay... so be careful.
Food with good amount of vanadium: Shells, pepper, mushrooms, grains and some alcoholic drinks. 
J (University of Maryland)

 (Google Images)


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Anne, M. (01 de May de 2015). Live Strong. Recuperado el 10 de 10 de 2015, de
Cloe, A. (s.f.). Healthy EatingRecuperado el 11 de 10 de 2015, de
Day, F. (s.f.). Recuperado el 11 de 10 de 2015, de
Everyday Health. (08 de 25 de 2014). Recuperado el 10 de 10 de 2015, de
Friday, T. Z. (06 de June de 2014). ZRT laboratory. Recuperado el 12 de 10 de 2015, de
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HealthAliciousNess. (s.f.). Recuperado el 11 de 10 de 2015, de
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University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Oublic Health(s.f.). Recuperado el 11 de 10 de 2015, de
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